Medical Videos




All our medical videos are available for viewing on our “Incredible Medical School” membership site. Medical information for nurses, paramedics, emt’s, physicians, grade school students, high school students, home school students, children, adults, and the general public.

AFFORDABLE PRICES: Most Medical videos are directed at medical professionals (doctors, nurses, etc). Those medical videos assume medical knowledge and also come with a high price. A 30 minutes medical video can cost over $100! So… why are we able to offer so many hours of videos and membership sites at such a low price? First, we use consumer high def cameras and instead of professional production companies, we do it in-house. Set up a camera and begin teaching the topic. Editing is done on our computer. So while the videos aren’t “professional”, they are good, educational and the price can be kept low for the general public (which is our target audience). No exciting special effects. No high prices – Just medical educational teachings.

Incredible Medical School Membership Site

Incredible Medical School Membership

Our medical videos are informative, educational, and just plain enjoyment for the medically interested general public. Stimulate your child’s interest in a medical career or discover if your child has an interest in a medical career. Our membership site contains current videos covering anatomy, lacerations, x-rays, oxygen, medical math, and many diseases. More are coming soon! Only in actual medical school can you learn some of the information and procedures in our videos. You can purchase individual DVDs at or become a member at The Incredible Medical School Membership for streaming all our video from the membership site.